Committees & Officers

“Volunteerism has marked the Society from its beginnings.  Volunteers as they work together for the Meeting, often find their religious lives mutually strengthened, their sense of community deepened, and their commitment as members affirmed.” Source:  Faith & Practice (PYM 1997) p. 188

Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting (CHFM) is an unprogrammed Quaker meeting.  This means there is no paid clergy.  Most of the work of the Meeting is done by meeting members and attenders who volunteer to serve as one of five officers and/or to serve on one of our 20+ committees, which are described below. 

All committees — except three — welcome all members and attenders who might be interested in the work of the committee.  The exceptions are Care & Counsel, Nominating, and Worship & Ministry.  Because these committees deal with sensitive information about individuals, membership in these committees required membership.  If you feel lead to participate in those meetings, please contact the clerk of that committee to secure an invitation.

2023-2024 Committee/Officer Lists

Addressing Racism: Acknowledges and works to heal racism within our meeting and beyond.  Meets 2nd Sundays 12:15-2 pm.  Annual report due in October. 
Email to committee:

Adult Class: Arranges adult education classes held the first two Sundays of the month before meeting for worship and other adult forums. Meets four times a year Sunday 5-6:30 pm, at the discretion of its members. Annual report due in March.  Handles Easy Evens in October.

Email to committee:

Burial: Maintains records of the Meeting burial grounds.  Rarely meets.  No Easy Evens.
Email to

Care & Counsel: Responsible in general for the pastoral care of members and attenders. Limited to members of Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting.Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday 7 to 8:30pm Sept to June.Annual report due in April. Handles Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) in April.Email to committee:

Finance: Working with the treasurer, prepares the annual budget, considers committee funding requests, monitors Meeting investments, and brings to the Meeting any budgetary issues.  Meets 2nd or 3rd Wednesday 7-8:30 pm in January, April, May, June, September, and October.
Reports due: April–annual report May–proposed budget, June–approval of budget,and September–Treasurer’s annual reportEasy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is November
Quarterly Treasurer reports are presented in January, April, and May
Email to committee: 

Friends Committee on National Legislation Liaison: Keeps the meeting up to date on FCNL’s activities, shares CHFM’s priorities with FCNL, attends FCNL meetings and events, and spearheads monthly letter writing by members and attenders to area representatives in Congress about pressing current issues.  

No Easy Evens.

Hospitality: Provides refreshments that bring members and attenders together after worship and at other times to build our closeness as a community. Meets 2 or 3 times a year.  Annual report due in March.

Email to committee:

Landscape:  Follows Quaker testimonies through its care for the design and maintenance of the meetinghouse grounds and the planning of outdoor workdays.  Committee members participate in planning meetings and workdays.  Meets seasonally.  Annual report due in November.
Handles Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) in November
Email to clerk: 
Email to committee:

Library: Coordinates and cares for the meeting library. Meets irregularly.  Annual report due in January.
Email to committee:

Nominating:  Prepares the annual slate for  the Meeting’s five officer positions (clerk, assistant clerk, treasurer, recording clerk, recorder) and nominates members and attenderst to serve on the committees that handle the work of the Meeting.  Limited to CHFM members.  Meets monthly September-May on Saturday 1:30-3:30 pm.  Brings roster of new committee appointments to businss meeting in March and the new slate of officers in October.
Email to committee:

Office & Administration: Responsible for administration of rentals, meeting office functions, technology, and communications.  Meets on 3rd Wednesday 7-8:30 pm, taking July and August off if possible.  Annual report due in February.
Handles Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) in July
Email to committee:

Outreach: Welcomes visitors, oversees greeters for meeting for worship, holds Seeker’s Gatherings for new attendees, and helps to make our Meeting more known in the community.
Meets on the 3rd Thursday. 
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is September
Annual report due in September 
Email to co-clerks: 
Email to committee:

Peace and Social Concerns: Facilitates Quaker values of peace and social justice as reflected in action for the wider CHFM community. Activities include grant distribution, legislative letter writing and community events.Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is March
Annual report due in November
Email to clerk:
Email to committee:

Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network:  Coordinates the Meeting’s participation in this external program which helps homeless families.
Annual report due in September
Email to clerk:
Email to committee:

Property and House: Provides stewardship of our building and grounds.
Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday.
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is December
Annual report due in October
Email to clerk: 
Email to committee:

Quarterly Meeting Representatives: Attend and report on activities of our Quarter. 
Annual report due in October
Email to committee:

Religious Education: Oversees the programs and community activities for our children.
Meets the 1st Monday.
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is February
Annual report due in June
Email to committee:

Skyspace:  Organizes, schedules, and conducts openings of the James Turrell Skyspace.
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is June
Annual report due in February 
Email to committee:

Stewardship:  Works with the Meeting to ensure that proper funds are available to support the Meeting activities.
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is August
Annual report due in April
Email to committee:

Tuition Assistance: Evaluates requests for disbursement of financial aid to members and attenders for tuition at Quaker schools and summer camps.
Annual report due in June
Email to committee:

*Worship and Ministry: Responsible for the spiritual life of the Meeting. Limited to members of any meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. 
Meetings on the 1st Tuesday.
Easy Evens (2nd and 4th Sundays) Committee Rotation is January
Annual report due in January
Email to clerk: 
Email to committee: