Adult Class

All classes for the coming semester will be hybrid with the option of attending in person at the meetinghouse or on Zoom. Details on attending and the Zoom link will be sent out in the CHFM monthly newsletter. For those who do not yet receive the newsletter, please subscribe here.

All classes are from 9 am to 10:15 am. Meeting for Worship follows at 10:30 am.

SEPTEMBER 10:  Lessons from Birding for Our Quaker Worship with Rebecca Heider.  Rebecca will share the spiritual lessons she has learned as a novice birder, illustrated by her photographs of birds from the past year. Then we will reflect and share as a group about how encounters with nature can be part of a regular spiritual practice and deepen our Quaker worship.  Rebecca is a novice birder and long-time Quaker who serves as clerk of the Worship and Ministry Committee. 

OCTOBER 1 & 8:  To mark the 10th anniversary of the opening in 2013 of our current meetinghouse, Adult Religious Education is presenting two October adult classes in recognition and celebration of the many facets that were involved in creating our new meetinghouse, by allowing those involved in different ways to share their recollections on the process and outcome.  

NOVEMBER 5:  Steve Elkinton will introduce Kerry Roeder, the energetic director of Historic Fair Hill, who will describe that group’s ongoing restoration of the historic Quaker burial site and their exciting plans for deeper engagement with the surrounding 9th and Indiana community. 

DECEMBER 3: Sarah Clarke, director of the Quaker United Nations Office, will discuss QUNO’s work.