Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting welcomes all to our weekly meeting for worship. Most of our current members came first to our meeting as visitors; we have always found that the presence of visitors enriches our meeting. We hope that this information helps you understand more about us.
Meeting for Worship
Meeting for Worship
As worship draws to a close, those present are invited to share joys and sorrows by a member of the Worship and Ministry committee. That person then greets a neighbor by shaking their hand, which then spreads throughout the room, thus closing the worship. It is our custom for the person who closes meeting then to ask visitors to introduce themselves. After announcements, Friends disperse, often pausing for conversation and light refreshments before leaving. A light lunch is offered on the first and third Sundays of every month, when Friends may take more time for visiting with each other.
Meeting for Worship is not the only time Friends look for “that of God” in everyone: we strive to keep that expectation foremost in all our dealings with others. Attending Meeting for Worship nurtures us spiritually as we seek to follow God’s leading throughout the week. It is also the ground from which we conduct our meeting for business on the third Sunday of each month.
Meeting for Worship for Business
On the third First Day of each month we meet to conduct the business of the meeting. The search to know the will of God also guides our business meetings. At business meetings members and attenders make decisions by seeking the sense of the meeting on agenda items including, among other things, finances, membership requests, committee activities, and our participation in the wider Quaker community and our neighborhood. Visitors are always welcome; attending business meeting is a good way to learn more about issues of concern, and what happens to keep our meeting going.
“Come with Hearts and Minds Prepared.”
Faith and Practice reminds us to come to meeting for worship with hearts and minds prepared for worship through daily prayer, meditation, and study. Preparation also means entering the Meeting house on First Day in a worshipful manner, minimizing extraneous talking and socializing before meeting.
Remember, in Quakerism, the service begins when the first person has sat down in the meetingroom. Talking and noise in the Gathering room disturbs those in the meetingroom who are worshipping. There is plenty of time for greeting one another and socializing after meeting.
If you begin to quiet yourself and your family before meeting for worship, even during the walk or car ride to meeting, you will be able to center more easily when you actually enter meeting for worship. This will deepen the overall quality of our meeting for worship for not only yourself, but for everyone present. As Quakers, we are all ministers and, therefore, all responsible for meeting for worship. If you have any questions about guidelines for meeting for worship, please contact a member of the Worship and Ministry Committee as listed in the Monthly Meeting Directory.