
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting welcomes all to our weekly meeting for worship. Most of our current members came first to our meeting as visitors; we have always found that the presence of visitors enriches our meeting. We hope that this information helps you understand more about us.

“Walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone.”  George Fox, founding Quaker (1656).

Our meetings for worship have no pastor or liturgy and are “unprogrammed.”  Sitting together in the centering silence of meeting for worship, we seek a communion with the Divine and each other.  We step back from the chattering world and open ourselves to the eternal Spirit that each of us can experience directly in our own way.  

As we settle into silence, we wait expectantly for the Spirit to speak to us and through us. One who feels deeply moved may rise and deliver vocal ministry.  On occasion, meeting for worship may be completely silent, and at other times may include Spirit-led messages, prayers, songs, or meditations.

We have no creed or common theology, but we have shared understandings:

There exists something Divine that we may describe as Spirit, God, the Inner Light, Christ, or simply Love.

We can each experience this Divine presence, and so experience continuing revelation.

Our experience of the Divine is enhanced when we engage as a community both in our worship and in our ministry to the world.

Although Quakerism arose as a Christian sect during the Protestant Reformation, our members and attenders come from many faith backgrounds and have varied beliefs about the role and nature of both the Bible and Jesus.  As a Quaker community, we seek to “let our lives speak” through the testimonies of peace, simplicity, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship.

All are welcome to our meetings for worship, and visiting children are welcome to our First Day School program.  Visitors may wish to read our page on worship for additional information about our practices.  Newcomers might also want to view “QuakerSpeak: What to Expect in Meeting for Worship.”